Sunday, March 13, 2016

Sabarlah duhai hati.. kamu sedang diuji..

Wahai calon penghuni syurga,
Mahasuci Allah yang menguasai segala kerajaan, Dan Dia Mahakuasa atas segala sesuatu. Yang menciptakan mati dan hidup, untuk menguji kamu, siapa di antara kamu yang lebih baik amalnya. Dan Dia Mahaperkasa, Maha Pengampun.”- (Al-Mulk: 1-2)

“Demi sesungguhnya! Kami akan menguji kamu dengan sedikit perasaan takut, kelaparan, kekurangan dari harta benda dan jiwa serta hasil tanaman. Dan berilah khabar gembira kepada orang-orang yang sabar. (Iaitu) orang-orang yang apabila mereka ditimpa oleh sesuatu kesusahan, mereka berkata: “Sesungguhnya kami adalah kepunyaan Allah dan kepada Allah jualah kami kembali”. Mereka itu ialah orang dilimpahi dengan pujian dari Tuhan mereka serta rahmat-Nya; dan mereka itulah orang-orang yang dapat petunjuk hidayah-Nya.” (Al-Baqarah 155-157)Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Mohonlah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dengan sabar dan solat. Sungguh, Allah beserta orang-orang yang sabar.”- (Al-Baqarah: 153)
“…Dan boleh jadi kamu menyukai sesuatu sedangkan sesuatu itu merosakkan kamu. Dan Allah mengetahui, sedangkan kamu tidak tahu.” (Surah Al Baqarah : 216).

Untuk semua yg sedang diuji.. kita manusia yg lemah.. mampu berdoa dan bertawakal kepada Allah..

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Doa melembutkan hati manusia


Alhamdullilah bersyukur hari ini Allah measih memberi nafas kepada kita untuk meneruskan kehidupan..
sering kali dalam kehidupan yang penuh panca roba ini kita sering mengalami masalah berhadapan dengan rakan-rakan ditempat kerja , keluarga dan sebagainya. Sering kali kita akan merasa tidak puas hati terhadap rakan-rakan sekerja atau teman-teman yang lain jika ada perkara yang tidak menyenangkan hati kita.

kita tidak dapat mencorakan ataw merubah rakan-rakan kita .. tapi apa yang kita mampu buat adalah dengan menasihati dengan baik dan berdoa untuk nya supaya mereka berubah.
Ingatlah kawan-kawan... kita mahu masuk syurga bersama-sama. Jom berubah kearah kebaikan.. past is past.. 

Jom Baca doa pelembut hati selalu..

supaya kawan-kawan kita berlembut hati degan kita.. insyaAllah

doa melembutkan hati

Saturday, June 13, 2015

psychology .. good to learn..


I learn something today... just watch about one channel in Discovery channel.. interesting knowledge about psychology

 How to read people mind.. sound not make sense right but actually its a psychology only.hehe

interesting happen to me last time, when one pak cik ask me to show my hand. he tell me something about my personality and my attitude. Sound correct when he said to me. and i agree about that.feel like.. wau 'hebatnye pakcik ni'.but ...

actually.. this is psychology. ( after watching this now i know)

people want to get trust from u by just said about the common thing that actually a lot of people have.


Pakcik:  u are independence person and u dont like relying other people . i look at ur hand and ur body i know who u are..
Me: yes agree.. amazing..

but actually this is only psychology.. hehe

i plan to try this to my friend and let see i can physco them or not :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Selawat murah rezeki

Alhamdulillah.. Subhanallah.. Maha Suci Allah.. I'm grateful to meet her in person Puan fellina El Fattah. She such inspiring business women I want to yet be successful engineer also. I have joined one of her events and meet her in person and ask her guidance for my business and she have do some sharing how she handle her business. She is the wonderful person I have meet. When I saw her become millionaire with the niqab, I adore her until now. The most importance thing she advises us that I remember is selawat murah rezeki that we need to do it daily.

Wahai Allah rahmati dan kurniakanlah
Kesejahteraan atas muhammad rasulullah
Dan selawat yang dapat melapangkan rezeki kami
Dan menjadikan baiknya akhlak kami
dan curahkanlah kesejahteraan
atas keluarga dan para sahabatnya…

Amin. Jom buat kawan. Mudah-mudahan kite dimurahkan rezeki. Jgn lupa sedekah everyday. InsyaAllah.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Make a wise decision in your life..

Alhamdulillah... grateful to Allah... He gives everything that he want to us.masyaAllah.. Alhamdulillah...

This morning I have talk with my office friend and she said something that i din realize ..

Make a correct decision in your life because you will regret if u make decision because of other people.. not because of your willingness... im agree.. i try to reflect back to myself when she say to me..
Ya.. master in electrical engineering..
Im ask my self.. i should do because i want it.. not because my friend ask me to do it... because at the end of the day.. anything happen will back to you.. because of your decision ...
Bare in mind...

Thanks kak dayah for the sharing..
Time will make us mature and others people experienced also can let us learn from each other.. so always talk to older generation so that you can learn from their mistake..


Sunday, April 12, 2015

Treasure hunt

Alhamdulillah.. im really happy last weekand.. i have join IEM treasure hunt for the first time in this year 2015.
We have race around autocity -> permatang pauh -> ceramic world ( sebrag jaya)  -> persiaran karpal sigh -> end at times square penang that is one of the program sponser.

Our team is lucky enough to get 11th place from 30 team participate..

Im proud of my team as we know we not able to get all correct answer.. but we are really lucky to get 1st in lucky draw.
Never have so lucky like this time..
Im so happy.. Alhamdulillah...

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Seek the pleasure to Allah..

Thanks for amazing journey that you route for me..

In this world.. we should only thinks that     seek Allah pleasure that all...

Thats is my goal right now..

If you doubt something.. ask Allah..
He will answer u..

What eva things that you do now.. just remember..  if Allah not like it.. just leave it.. if Allah like it.. Keep do it.. thats it..

Im sorry Allah for my weakness  ... im not able to take the responsibility that you gave to me..

Im fail.. hope i will stand up again and fight for your pleasure.. Allah.. Allah..

Hasni- 9.53pm